I got tagged by Amanda! My answers are common in this area. Sorry! I hope someone gets entertained.
HOW OLD IS DAMON: 31! And not one ear hair yet!
WHO EATS MORE: Dinner-Damon Dessert-Me
WHO SAID "I LOVE YOU' FIRST: I don't qite remember.
WHO IS TALLER: Damon, perfect hugging height.
WHO SINGS BETTER: Damon...I scare small children unfortunately.
WHO IS SMARTER: Uh-hum..is he going to be reading this? Yesterday I watched him play with the salad spinner for a good 5 minutes before he asked me what it was.
WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY: Me and my little clothes sorter Ava. I find at lest 6 pairs of socks in the garbage, in the kitchen drawers and in the bathtub before I'm done
WHO DOES THE DISHES: Me and my new dishwasher! Yippee Damon and the kids help out when they know mom isn't sane however.
WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED: Me! He has to be closest to the door in case of intruders! Or the occasional scarey creeky sounds I hear!
WHO PAYS THE BILLS: Me. I love Excel spreadsheets. I probably make it more complicated than it needs to be. But we always know how much money we have!
WHO MOWS THE LAWN: That would be me! It's like a tiny yard though. I could use my kitchen scissors to do it.
WHO COOKS DINNER: I do. But he makes a mean omelet. And has just recently perfected his chocolate chip cookies!
MORE STUBBORN: Flip a coin. I don't know. It' not an issue at our house.
KISSED WHO FIRST: I believe it was a mutual lean.
WHO ASKED WHO OUT FIRST: Set up. But he came over to visit me again first.
WHO PROPOSED: He did. At our favorite climbing spot.
WHO IS MORE SENSITIVE: About what? If it's BYU football I'd say Damon. Now if we're talking Jane Austin that would be me.
WHO HAS MORE FRIENDS: We share friends.
WHO WEARS THE PANTS: Again..Will he be reading this? Just kidding. We make all major decisions together.
WHO ARE YOU TAGGING: Amy, Jinger, Heather and Jenny
1 week ago
the salad spinner story is too funny... husbands crack me up. the simplest things can be so confusing to them...
how are you feeling? we missed you yesterday...
I agree on the salad spinner.. it's a weird tool, but handy dandy!
Awesome that you and the kids did a slot canyon too!
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