Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blue and Gold Banquet

Well I took part in my first ever Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet...I think I'm an official Bear leader now. It was a Chinese New Year theme and we went all out! Pizza and salad...eaten with chopsticks. Okay so we didn't make it extravagant but we had fun and the boys made a cool dragon that they ran around in. I think the boys are finally warming up to me. After they saw I own a pair of Vans and know that I play playstation they actually talk to me now. I guess we just needed somthing in common! Go BEARS!


Clarke and Kamie said...

how funny--I am the primary counselor over cub scouts so I attended the blue and gold banquet too! Good times! Chinese new year and everything. The boys think its cool that I have a scout shirt.

Amanda said...

Ha ha! Good to hear they think you are cool! (how could they NOT?) I am sure that they will find A TON of things to like about you!

AMPM said...

Hey! I am a total cow. Do you feel the lack of Primary support? I am so sorry that I didn't attend and I didn't send someone in my stead. I didn't really know about it, or get invited, but I should have been there. Thanks for the info. on Black Dragon. I can't wait to check it out.

Becca said...

Hey--I'm glad you like Vampire Weekend . . . aren't they fun?

I remember I went to the B&G banquet with my little brothers once when my parents were out of town. They did a "Jungle Book" theme and it was called "Baloo and Gold Banquet" and there were huge, life-sized cutouts of all the characters from the Disney animated version. Some poor den mother probably spent hours making those things.

Also, I was freaked out by the presentation of the arrow of light.