This Thanksgiving season caused some marital issues between Shawna and I. We had planned (and I agreed) to spend Thanksgiving in Glenns Ferry. The only problem was the BYU vs utah football game. The game fell the Saturday after Thanksgiving! Most any other game and I would have rescind and just watched on TV...But not the Utah game. BYU could win every game this year and lose to Utah and I would be disappointed. I know pathetic...
There was no way I was going to miss this game! In the end we
compromised we left a day early to come home a day early and see the game. The real saving grace was my mother (THANKS MOM!!) who agreed to watch the kids while Shawna and I went to the game together...Now that's my idea of a date!!

One piece of advice I would like to give: If you are expecting an emotionally charged event involving a great deal of yelling, avoid at all costs the combination of hot chocolate and nachos!!!! Enough said.

The game was a defensive battle. Luckily our hometown hero Jan Jorgensen (from Helper, Ut) had a great game. Utah scored to take the lead with about 1 min 30 seconds left on the clock. The score 10 to 9. This may not seem like much to you, but that one stinking point would haunt me for the remainder of the year. Church members, co-workers, etc.. would harass me for this for the entire year, especially if it was by one stinking point. I was already planning inactivity in the church due to the harassment I would receive.
Three horrible plays later We (and I mean myself and the BYU football team) were looking at 4th down and 18 yards to go! The pressure comes and Max Hall (quarterback) Launches the ball into the air!
It is an amazing sound hearing 65,000 people dead silent and all simultaneously standing up and inhaling. The change in air pressure alone from all the inhaling could probably start its own weather pattern.
Austin Collie (receiver at byu) catches the ball to keep the game alive! The explosion of sound was so great I could not hear my own voice yelling. (this may be due to being so loud, or my vocal chords exploding, I am not sure which)
Harvey Unga (running back) scores the winning touchdown, and Collie catches a two point conversion to seal the game!!!
At the moment the clock ticked 0:00 We grabbed our stuff and rushed the field! It was a great game and great Thanksgiving!

I think I need a vacation to recover from my vacation!!!