Thursday, December 13, 2007

Princesses and Armies

I got home from work today and asked Cru about school. He told me that today he played Princesses and Armies at recess. When I asked about the rules of this game he said, basically the Armies chase the Princesses and then the Princesses turn us into things. I asked if he got turned into anything....."I got turned into a Toad."

I thought this didn't happen until Jr. High!


Amanda said...

That's classic!

Amanda said...

That's awesome! Your kids are so cute!

Becca said...

I love it! And I also love it that you and Shawna take turns posting to the blog--I need to get Allen on the blog-wagon.

Mike Ro22sS Bryant said...

Junior High? I didn't start playing that game at recess until High School.

Mike Ro22sS Bryant said...

Junior High? I didn't start playing that recess game until High School.

cmiya said...

Hey Andreasen Family! I loved catching up on your blog - the Halloween pics are classic. Hope all is well...I wish I would have caught you guys at the BYU game - call us next time you're in Utah (801.358.7646)

Clarke and Kamie said...

Hey Andreasen Family! It was great to catch up on your blog - the Halloween pics were classic. I wish I would have seen you at the BYU us next time you're in Utah (801.358.7646)
