Sunday, November 29, 2009

BYU vs utah

Pics from the cell Phone (sorry about the poor quality)

Royal Blue uniforms ( I like alot) I wish I would have known I would have worn my old shirt.

Corbin in the 1st quarter
Corbin by the 4th quarter (slept through all the cheers)
Rushing the field
BYU 26 utah 23

Monday, October 19, 2009

Recent Happenings

Sorry we've neglected the blog lately. Here's some pictures to catch you up on what we've been up to!

Ava Turns 3!

Talking on the cell phone and holding the baby at the same time...skills like her mamma :)

Ava the hair dresser doing grandma's hair soooo pretty.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Axel pics!

Axel in his oxygen hood and all hooked up to monitors.

The kids came to visit. They weren't allowed in the nursery so they had to just look.
Shawna made him a little hat while we were waiting and waiting.

Finally after 8 days in the NICU we loaded up and came home and the kids just love him!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Axel Bryant Andreasen!

Born Sept. 17th at 2:20 PM 5lbs 11oz (just a little guy)
I will post pics when we get home.

He has had a little hole in one lung making him work harder to get all the air he needs. But he is doing well and the most recent x-ray shows progress! We hope to be home tomorrow.

The follow is a TRUE story there is no way I can make this stuff up.

Right before Axel came and in between contractions my cell phone started ringing. It was my Dad, I know because the ring tone set for him is the BYU Cougar fight song. So (again no joke) the next contraction as "RISE AND SHOUT THE COUGARS ARE OUT" ends Axel is born!!!!
Rise and Shout Axel came out!!
Keep the little guy in your prayers!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ava & Kaiser

Shawna went through some old clothes and found one of her dresses from when she was little. Ava had to practice some twirls.

Does she look like her Momma?

Kaiser had his first hair cut today as well. I think he was mad at us because he came home and promptly left his business on the floor.

Monday, August 24, 2009

It's Off To School and Tea Parties

The other day Corbin and I were outside pulling weeds in the garden. Corbin had just gotten a nose bleed so he had a rolled up piece of tissue in his nose. My friendly neighbor (who is a on his own) came out and while chatting it up with us saw Corbin's predicament. He promptly went inside his house and came out with some cayenne pepper. He said, "If you put that in that boys food every day he'll never have another nose bleed."

I thanked him but was puzzled on how you put Cayenne pepper in the meals of a 5 year old and expect him to eat it.
That night I made taco soup *with cayenne pepper* and to say thanks to our neighbor took a tupperwear full over to him.
Anyway the very next day there was a tinkerbell table and chair set sitting on our front porch with the taco soup tupperwear sitting right on top.

And now thanks to our cayenne pepper eating generous grandpa neighbor Ava and her little friends get to have tea party on the front porch quite often.
And while Ava is busy having tea parties Cru and Corbin are busy at school. Today was Corbin's first day and he was pumped. He was brave as ever getting on the bus and didn't even want us to meet him at the school to show him to his classroom.

Damon visited the school however and found that even after eating a big breakfast this morning they went to the cafeteria and ate again! Damon said Corbin looked like he was going to explode but went hop, skipping and jumping out to the playground to get some playing time in before the big day started.

All I have to say is I'm a big ball of emotions. Being pregnant I'm sure doesn't help but I cried last night when Corbin hugged me and said, "I'll miss you while I'm gone" and wouldn't let go of my neck. Then to see him leaving this morning just shot me a new wave of tears.
*Oh and just to let you know Corbin has only had one nose bleed since the inclusion of cayenne pepper to some of his meals. :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Some recent pictures

Cru's First Day of 2nd grade

Army time
Our new pup Kaiser

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our Pioneer Experience

We bought some chickens this spring and today was CARNAGE DAY. We don't dare post actual pictures so enjoy the saturday night live skit and use your imaginations....or don't.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

We went with some friends to the Provo Hot Air Balloon Show in the morning.

We watched part of the parade in Provo and saw Cosmo! Then spent the evening with some friends. Check out the up coming nose dive by Ava.