Monday was THE worst day of 2007 for me...I hope. The year isn't over yet. I'll share my experience of that day with you so it makes you feel better about how your day is going.
What launched this snowball of catastrophes was a small mistake actually the night before. I set the alarm on my watch to wake me up, only I accidentally set it for PM rather than AM. I woke up to the sound of the school bus compressing it's brakes and opening it's doors for the kids to get on. "CRAP! Cru wake up you missed the bus!" I let him take his time eating his breakfast and catch a little bit of "Clifford The Big Red Dog". In the mean time I was getting ready and realized I couldn't find my car keys. I thought no big deal, they'll show up. But after searching high and low I finally gave up hope and began the dreaded process of putting snow clothes on all my kids. (It was like 19 degrees outside and the wind was blowing) Once that process was done I loaded the two little ones in the stroller and gave Cru a few words of encouragement before we headed out the door for the mile walk to his school. We realized after about 20 steps that we couldn't go our regular route because of road construction so we went an alternate route. We made it to the swinging bridge that crosses the river but it was rough going. The snow from the previous day had made it very difficult. After struggling our way over the swinging bridge we came to our intended path but were frustrated to find it had been gated off! That was the second "CRAP!" of the day. So the only option at this point was to ditch the stroller and take a huge flight of stairs up the hill. So that's what we did. Once to the top a blast of cold wind hit us...but did we stop? NO! because we came this far and education is important RIGHT! We could do it! (That was my optimistic attitude talking) So the pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked ...AND walked. The kids were really good until this point. Corbin's little legs had a hard time keeping up and they were all getting cold. Corbin began to cry. But once the school was in sight everyone felt like the torture was over....But was it? We did make it to the school and Cru was only 30 minutes late! But there was no way I was getting Corbin to walk back down to the stroller. He hung onto the handle of the school door and kept saying, "I want to stay at school with Cru". I put him on my back with Ava in the front and started to head out but Corbin couldn't hang on tight enough so I knew a piggy back ride wasn't going to work. So I knelt down to let him off and must have let go of him too soon because he didn't have his feet under him and he fell and bonked his head on the sidewalk. Keep in mind during this scene the lunch ladies in the cafeteria had a great view and saw the entire thing. So Corbin is screaming, I have mascara under my eyes from the night before so I look like Rocky and Ava realizes she needs to cry because she has to do everything her brother does. That's when the third "CRAP!" of the day was said. I finally gave up on my optimistic attitude and walked to my spectators inside the cafeteria to ask for a ride home. Luckily Sister Howell (Cru's primary teacher) worked there. Two other women were gaping at me and I think wondering if they should call Child Protective Services. Bless Sister Howell, with no hesitation she grabbed her car keys and took us home, picking up the stroller on the way. When I got home I looked on the table and there was a note with my car keys sitting next to them. It said, "Merry Christmas! They were in the garbage downstairs" AAAAHHHHH! Damon, bless his heart, had drove all the way home from work to give us a ride to the school but we weren't there so he started searching for the keys. Needless to say I had exhausted myself emotionally and physically by 9 a.m. and was useless the rest of the day. Well there you have it. I hope you feel better about your day now. If you do my mission is accomplished! Oh and at 6:50 PM while I was cleaning up the kitchen my alarm went off. I started laughing hysterically.
2024 in a Nutshell
4 days ago
seriously... if I ever hear anything like this again.... TROUBLE! You better call me...
thanks for coming the other night... it was fun hanging with the girls :)
love loVE LOVE the batman pics...
i thought the story was going to end with school being cancelled. i don't think i would have braved it all.
Oh my GOSH!!!! I can not believe how courageous you are. I totally would of had a meltdown. You go girl. Awesome that you laughed at the end of the day. Those laughs make it all worth while!!!!
Aren't you glad you blog so you can write all this stuff down? I'm sorry that I laughed at your exponentially increasing misfortunes.
Got your Christmas card, by the way, and you are a BABE, Boogs. And everyone else looks pretty good, too.
I miss the snow.
Ha ha ha!! I know I have already heard this story, but READING it made it even funnier! Thanks for the inspiration!
OH SNAP! Sounds like a story that should be animated in a comic strip. Family Circus hasn't got anything on that whopper of a morning.
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